- name1
- name2
- name3
- showIMA - true/false
- showIndex - true/false
- base - default 100
- years
- showLegend - true/false
- sinceLaunch - true/false
- language
- limitLabels - true/false
- labelGapYears
- name1
- name2
- name3
- showIMA - true/false
- showIndex - true/false
- base - default 100
- years
- showLegend - true/false
- sinceLaunch - true/false
- language
- limitLabels - true/false
- labelGapYears
- performance
- showLegend
- legendPosition
- showTable
- showXLabels
- showPerc
- xLineDot
- name1
- name2
- name3
- showIMA
- showIndex
- color1
- color2
- color3
- lineColor
- title
- base
- lineWidth
- showxGridLine
- hideYGridLine
- yTitle
- yTitle2
- showMarker - true/false
- showRange - true/false
- style
- xlabel
- ylabel
- turnLabel
- barWidth
- showValue
- negColor
- hideXTickMark
- hideYTickMark
- hideYLabel
- showpct
- adjustMinMaxValue
- lang
- s1
- s2
- labelFontSize
- positionX
- innerPlotWidth
- splitLabel
- style
- s1
- s2
- s3
- s4
- color1
- color2
- color3
- color4
- lineColor
- s1x
- s2x
- barWidth
- xTitle
- yTitle
- showValue
- title
- hideXAxis
- hideYAxis
- flip
- max
- smallFont
- fontSize
- hideYTickMark
- hideYLabel
- legend
- showDecimal
- lang
- showXGrid
- showYGrid
- showRightLine
- showTopLine
- interval
- turnLabel
- style
- s1
- s2
- s3
- s4
- color1
- color2
- color3
- color4
- lineColor
- s1x
- s2x
- barWidth
- xTitle
- yTitle
- showValue
- title
- hideXAxis
- hideYAxis
- flip
- max
- smallFont
- fontSize
- hideYTickMark
- hideYLabel
- legend
- showDecimal
- lang
- showXGrid
- showYGrid
- showRightLine
- showTopLine
- interval
- turnLabel
- 3d
- legend
- collectThreshold
- supplementalThreshold
- labels
- drawingStyle
- color
- labelColor
- legendDecimals
- showValue
- donut
- reversed
- colors
- headerTitle
- interval
- arrowPoints
- xlabel
- xLabelPosition-left/right -Default below the values
- yaxispct-true/none-Default shows % on top of y-axis(i.e.100%)
- yearAndMonths-true/false -to show year and months on xaxis label-Default False
- bar